@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008271, author = {風間, 計博 and Kazama, Kazuhiro}, issue = {4}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Mar}, note = {バナバ人は,第二次世界大戦終了後,中部太平洋に位置するバナバ島から フィジー諸島のランビ島へ,強制移住させられた人々である。従来のバナバ人 に関する人類学的研究は,英国植民地主義の被害者として,人々の歴史経験と 歴史表象を論じることに重点が置かれ,現在の生活を直視してこなかった。そ こでは,望郷の念を抱く人々と土地との結合を前提とした,固定的なバナバ人 像が描かれてきた。対して,本論文では,これまで等閑視されてきた,ランビ 島から都市へ二次的に移住した「不可視の」少数者としてのバナバ人を対象と する。そして,都市に居住するバナバ人が多様な他者と接触し,日常的に自己 認識をいかに構成/再構成しているのかを例証する。本論文では,都市におい て複数の結節点を築きながら,エスニックな固有性に必ずしも拘泥せず,キリ バス系住民に包含されるバナバ人像が提示される。一方,都市中間層の一部 は,かつてバナバ人が独自の言語や形質をもっていたという,バナバ島に根ざ した固有のエスニシティが存在していた証拠を探し求めている。本論文の目的 は,都市に居住するバナバ人が日常的に示すキリバス系住民としての柔軟性 と,ナショナリズムを基礎づけるバナバ人像の硬直性が交錯した領域に着目し て,都市に住まうバナバ人のもつ,複相的な自己認識のあり方について,認知 論的視点を軸に考察することである。, This paper describes an investigation of multiple self-awareness with a cognitive perspective in ethnic studies, of ‘invisible’ minority migrants, the Banabans, in an urban district in Fiji. Banabans were forced to migrate from their home island, Banaba, in the central Pacific to Rabi Island in Fiji at the end of WWII. Most of them now reside on Rabi Island, but more than one thousand people have emigrated in search of higher education or employment to the urban area of Fiji. Although they have been separated from their homeland by national borders since the independence of Fiji and Kiribati nations in the 1970s, they have insisted on their land rights to Banaba continually. Banaban intellectuals often assert and advocate nationalistic discourses emphasizing cultural, ethnic, and physical differences between I-Kiribati and themselves, using oral traditions and ‘scientific’ evidence, to justify their claims on their homeland. Their arguments severely oppose the opinions of the Kiribati government, who have denied the specific ethnicity of Banabans, and who have designated them merely as Kiribati citizens living abroad. In contrast to intellectuals, ordinary Banabans living in the urban area do not necessarily recognize themselves as belonging to a specific ethnic group. However, they find themselves as relational, being within the kinship network, or as having regional ties in daily life together with I-Kiribati kin and spouses. Because they are an ethnic minority in the urban area in Fiji, contrasting themselves not with I-Kiribati but with two ethnic majorities (Fiji- Fijian and Indo-Fijian), they have flexible and multiple self-awareness of Banabans, Rabi islanders, Kiribati language speakers, and Fiji citizens, and vary their relative positions to suit daily occasions.}, pages = {729--777}, title = {フィジー都市部に居住するバナバ人のエスニシティと自己認識の複相性}, volume = {43}, year = {2019}, yomi = {カザマ, カズヒロ} }