@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004534, author = {八村, 広三郎 and Hachimura, Kozaburo}, issue = {2}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Oct}, note = {This short note describes a computer system for analyzing data sets acquired in the course of ethnological studies. The system accepts, as an input, any set of data whose individual constituents consist of several attribute items. This type of data set is frequently encountered in studies of material culture. Several metric and/or nominal attributes are defined and measured for all samples under investigation. The major function of the system for this kind of data set is to depict frequency distribution of attributes. Measurement of the frequency distribution may be conditioned: The measurement may be made on only the samples that meet certain conditions imposed on some attribute items. By examining the attribute frequency distribution conditioned by other attributes, we can estimate inter-relationships among these attributes. Other principal functions of the system are linear regression analysis, correlation analysis and retrieval from the data set. All processing proceeds in man-machine interactive fashion and results are displayed graphically. The functions and use of the system are illustrated by application to a data collection on Japanese basketry.}, pages = {471--492}, title = {民族学データの統計的解析のための汎用ソフトウェアシステム : 民具データへの応用を中心として}, volume = {5}, year = {1980}, yomi = {ハチムラ, コウザブロウ} }