@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004361, author = {藤井, 龍彦 and Fujii, Tatsuhiko}, issue = {1}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Sep}, note = {Although flourishing periodical markets in rural societies of the Central Andes are very evident, especially in the central and southern highlands, few studies have been conducted on them and ethnographical data are scarce. It is possible that many Andeanists have regarded this economic institution as not being autochthonous, and, rather that than via markets their economic complementarity was derived by utilization of different ecological niches and/or through barter or trade among inhabitants of different ecological environments. I conducted two season's extensive field research in the Highland of the Department of La Paz, Bolivia, one of the most flourishing regions of periodical markets in the Central Andes (Map 1). The first season's research was conducted in the northern areas (Titicaca Basin and the Eastern Slope) and the second in the Altiplano area, for total of seven months, from July to September 1983 and from August to November 1985. Both periods focused on the following topics: (1) The collection of ethnographical data; (2) The correlation between the diversity of ecological environments and periodical markets; (3) The economic functions of periodical markets in rural society; (4) The rural-urban relationships brought about by periodical markets; and (5) The social functions of periodical markets in rural society. The northwestern highland of Bolivia is divided into three ecological sub-regions : the Altiplano, the Titicaca Basin and the Eastern Slope. Of a total of 83 weekly markets observed (Table 2), 24 are found in the first region, 27 in the second, and 32 in the last. In the Altiplano local markets are generally large in scale, and middlemen have a very important role in collecting and transporting a large quantity of agricultural products (especially potato and chew) to La Paz. In the small but numerous markets of the Titicaca Basin and the Eastern Slope on the other hand, the peasants negotiate with so called rescatistas, females who come from small towns or villages and who make commercial transactions by purchasing or bartering small quantities of products. Both types of periodical markets function as a rural-urban economic linkage through which a large part of the foodstuffs consumed by urban populations (including La Paz) is supplied, and via which the peasants obtain cash or manufactured goods in exchange for local products. Periodical markets are common and widespread throughout the entire region investigated. This is one of the characteristics of the regional economy in the south of the Central Andean highlands when compared to the north. The kinds of agricultural products and manufactured goods transacted are almost the same throughout the entire region. It must be emphasized that these local markets as a whole function primarily as a food supply system to cities and towns, although they clearly function too, in part, as an institution of ecological complementarity within a limited region. The former function is most notable in the Altiplano sub-region and the latter is observable in the Titicaca sub-region, where lake fishermen, for example, complement their livelihood through bartering in markets with agriculturalists from the valleys. The primary role of the market as a rural products supply system cannot be over-emphasized in the case of the western highland of Bolivia, in particular. But the so many and so frequent participation of the peasants in market activities cannot be explained just by city demand. The principles of market economy such as anonimity, universality and supremacy of profit aims [SHANIN 1973] are of a very different nature to the traditional and normative way of life within a rural community. So, in a sense, the market provides an occasion for experimenting with innovative behavior, free from traditional and normative ways of life.}, pages = {49--128}, title = {中央アンデスの定期市 : ボリビア領ラパス県高地部の事例}, volume = {12}, year = {1987}, yomi = {フジイ, タツヒコ} }