@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004291, author = {藤井, 龍彦 and Fujii, Tatsuhiko}, issue = {2}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Dec}, note = {This article is an analysis of a corpus of data entitled "Diaries of Bolivian Peasants." These diaries were written by ten Bolivian peasants (Aymara speakers) of the highlands of the Department of La Paz. They were requested to write these diaries by Mauricio Mamani when he was one of the Bolivian coordinators in the Rural Development Service Program of Cornell University. The diaries were written between April 8, 1979 and June 30, 1981. They consist of such daily activities as agriculture, animal husbandry, economic transactions, making of textiles, communal/family feasts or rites, and recreation. I analysed the first one-year cycle (from April 8, 1979 to April 7, 1980) of one peasant family (husband, wife, a daughter, and a son) who live in Yuka community, Camacho Province (Map 1). The objective was the quantitative analysis of peasant life based on the diary's contents. The results of the analysis are as follows : 1) Agriculture : on which this family spends only 30% of their total working hours on agricultural activities. 2) Sexual division: the sexual division of labor in this family is not marked, either in agricultural or other activities, such as cooperative and domestic work. 3) Reciprocity: 31 times during the year, the family offered help, in the form of labor, to other families, including that of the husband's father. Whether this figure is high or low is yet in question because of the lack of quantitative data for comparison. But we may say that the social relationship from which they can expect help when they need it is relatively narrow and limited. 4) Altruistic labor: accounted for about 7% of this family's total working hours. For Bolivian peasants, altruistic labor means that they pool their working hours for future necessities. Needless to say, this analysis was based on only the diary of a single peasant family living in one region of the Bolivian highlands, so we cannot generalize the results as being applicable to other Andean rural communities.}, pages = {349--391}, title = {ボリビアの農民 : 農民の「行動の記録」の分析(その1)}, volume = {15}, year = {1990}, yomi = {フジイ, タツヒコ} }