@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004039, author = {杉本, 良男 and Sugimoto, Yoshio}, issue = {4}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Mar}, note = {「儀礼」の概念は,ヨーロッパ・キリスト教世界とくにプロテスタントから は否定的なイメージをもたれている。そこには,カトリックとプロテスタント との対立関係が潜在しているが,とくに19世紀イギリスにおける「儀礼主義」 は,福音主義者からのはげしい非難にさらされた。1830年代をさかいにイギリ ス植民地政策そして宗教政策は,現地主義から文明化路線へと大きく転換をと げた。それは,福音主義的なイデオロギーに基づく変革であり,そのことが, 当然ながら植民地スリランカにおける宗教儀礼のあり方にも大きな変化を与え た。小稿では,ポルトガルに始まり,オランダを経てイギリスの植民地支配を 経験したスリランカにおいて,「儀礼」がどのような視線にさらされ,またそ の視線をどのように受け止め,さらにその結果,現在どのような存在形態を示 しているのかについて,系譜学的に跡づけたものである。, This is a genealogical study of the concept of “ritual” in Sri Lanka from the colonial period under European rulers, Portuguese, Dutch and British, and in the post-colonial situation. Ritual, rites and ceremony had become dirty words by the eighteenth century. Ritual came to imply insincerity and empty formality. The religions of the European powers which ruled Sri Lanka were Catholic (Portuguese), Protestant (Dutch), and Anglican (British) in that order. There was great rivalry and attack from the Dutch Reformed Church against Portuguese Catholicism in the seventeenth century. The main targets were “Idolatry” and “Ritualism.” The situation was relieved at the beginning of British rule. However, social and religious policy changed in the 1830’s under the infl uence of Evangelicals in Great Britain. From the second half of the nineteenth century, Sri Lankan Buddhism underwent a gradual process of modernization, or civilization, under the infl uence of Evangelical Protestantism. The reformed Buddhism linked itself with Buddhist nationalism as part of its attempt to counter Western rules. This “Protestant Buddhism” departed from traditional Therevada Buddhism in promoting a Protestant-like this-worldly asceticism centering on the laity instead of other-worldly Buddhist monks and sangha. The agenda of unifi ed “Protestant Buddhism” has played an important role in Sinhala Buddhist nationalism since 1956, the 2500th anniversary of Buddha’s nirvana. More than that, phenomena of magic and ritual have recurred in urban areas. These are the paradoxical consequences of the civilization of Sri Lankan “ritual.”}, pages = {615--681}, title = {儀礼の受難 : 楞伽島綺談}, volume = {27}, year = {2003}, yomi = {スギモト, ヨシオ} }