@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00004035, author = {南, 真木人 and Minami, Makito}, issue = {1}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Jul}, note = {本稿は,銅製水入れの形状,素材,製法,製作者を基準としてその系統分 類を行うことにより,銅鍛冶カーストの近代化に対する技術的なあるいは社会 的な再編の動向を考察することを目的とする。西ネパール山地のいくつかの事 例と国立民族学博物館に所蔵されているネパール製の銅及び黄銅製の水入れを サーダ・タイプとブッタ・タイプに区別し,溶解した銅盤を槌起加工する技能 と,既製の銅板を鍛造する技術,銅板の接合を多用する製法を比較した。とく に,溶解した銅盤を槌起して水入れや大鍋を作るカリコテ・ダルワと呼ばれる 製法について詳述し,それぞれの技法がどのような職人によって担われ,どの ような場所で製作されているのかを報告した。結論として,重厚な水入れが軽 く安価な水入れに転換していることとその理由,それに伴う技術・製法の変化 と銅鍛冶カーストの社会変化を考察した。, This paper aims to reveal technological and social changes in modernization among coppersmith castes, by classifying various types of copper water jugs (gāgrī) on the basis of their shapes, materials and production methods as well as their manufacturers. The research is based on the data acquired through field visits to copper vessel workshops in Western Nepal and the collections in the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka. First, I classifi ed the water jugs into type I, plain style (sādā) and type II, engraving style (buÔÔā) by the presence of embossed decoration and the shape of the vessels. Then I examined the differences in materials, which are divided distinctly into thick hand-melted copper disc and thin industry-made copper sheet or disc. In addition, the differences in production methods, which can be seen from the number of parts and the number and location of seams, were examined. Also, differences in the manufacturers, the Parbate Hindu coppersmith caste ( ÔamaÔa) or the Newal coppersmith caste (tāmrakār) were considered. Horizontal forge welding of three hammered parts, using thick hand-melted copper disc material (II-1 on Table 3) requires the highest technical skill. This method produces heavy and durable water jugs. Today, however, this technique exists only in a few workshops in Western Nepal, while light and cheap water jugs made of many hammered parts with a number of seams, especially using vertical forge welding of thin ready-made copper sheets (I-5 and II-6) are very popular in markets. Finally I discuss who makes these varieties of water jugs, and why people began to prefer light and cheap water jugs to heavy durable ones. I also discuss how the technology and social-life of the coppersmith castes have been infl uenced and transformed by this change in the taste of consumers.}, pages = {1--38}, title = {銅鍛冶カーストの近代と銅製水入れの系統分類 : 西ネパールの事例から}, volume = {28}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ミナミ, マキト} }