@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003966, author = {齋藤, 晃 and Saito, Akira}, issue = {4}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Mar}, note = {This article aims to reconsider the origin of the native communities in the former Spanish colonies in South America. In the first part of the article, I propose the hypothesis that the Indian towns created by the resettlement policy under Spanish colonial rule served as a basic mould for the creation of new societies both in the Andes and in the Amazon. In the late colonial period, the pre-Columbian societies irretrievably disintegrated and what I call “Indian republics” emerged from their ashes. These republics had the basic features of today’s native communities and they can be legitimately considered their direct ancestors. In the second part of the article, I take up the case of the Mojeños, a native people living in the Bolivian lowlands, and attempt to illustrate the historical process of the creation of Indian republics. In the late seventeenth century, the Jesuit missionaries launched evangelical activities among the Mojeños and resettled them into four mission towns. At the beginning, these towns were nothing more than conglomerations of antagonistic ethnic groups. As time passed, however, those living in the same town gradually formed a united body and took on a common identity. I explain how the native societies were transformed under Jesuit rule and how new identities were forged in the mission towns., 本論はスペイン領南米における先住民共同体の歴史的生成のプロセスを再検 討するものである。論文の前半では,植民地当局の集住化政策により建設され た先住民の町が,アンデスにおいてもアマゾンにおいても,新たな社会が生み 出される母胎として機能したという仮説が提起される。植民地時代後期,征服 以前に起源がさかのぼる民族集団は消滅し,本論が「先住民共和国」と呼ぶ新たな社会編成が姿を現した。それらの社会編成は,今日の先住民共同体の基本 的特徴を備えており,その先行形態とみなすことができる。論文の後半では, 現代のボリビア低地の民族のひとつ,モヘーニョに焦点が当てられ,彼らの「共 和国」の成立過程が考察される。17世紀後半,イエズス会宣教師はモヘーニョ のキリスト教改宗に着手し,彼らを4つの町へ集住化した。それらの町は当初, 互いに敵対する民族集団の寄せ集めにすぎなかった。しかし,時がたつにつれ て,同じ町に住む人びとは社会的連携を深め,やがてひとつのアイデンティティ を共有するにいたる。本論では,イエズス会統治下のモヘーニョの社会変容と アイデンティティ生成のプロセスが究明される。}, pages = {443--477}, title = {Creation of Indian Republics in Spanish South America}, volume = {31}, year = {2007}, yomi = {サイトウ, アキラ} }