@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003920, author = {太田, 心平 and Ota, Shimpei}, issue = {2}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Senri Ethnological Studies}, month = {Dec}, note = {「両班」は韓国・朝鮮における高貴な無職の特権階層と学術的・社会的に定 義・認識されてきた。だが、この「両班」の定義は、朱子学派の( 旧) 在地士 族層という偏った事例の表象をもとに、日本版のオリエンタリズムを通して近 代以降に創られたものである。本稿は、先行研究が乏しい非/脱・朱子学派の (旧)在京士族層の事例を紐解くことで、「両班」および韓国・朝鮮の伝統の学 術的・社会的認識に再考すべき点があることを示す。  結果として、近代以前の在京士族層にとっては、高官として働くことが特権 を維持するための最重要条件だったことが分析でき、これまで軽視されてきた 職業の問題が、重視されてきた血統の問題に劣らず、士族層のアイデンティ ティの核心の一つをなしてきたと解釈できる。また、現在の旧在京士族層が創 られた「両班」の条件を意識して無職であることを許容してきたという経緯か ら、近年には当事者がもつ旧士族層のアイデンティティに学術的・社会的な知 識が再帰していることも分かる。, Yangban is academically and socially defined as well as recognized as a Korean noble privileged class without any occupation. However this definition was invented through a series of case representations of Neo-Confucians and the scholar-gentry (rural sajok) class, and reflected the modern Japanese style of Orientalism. On the other hand, I here describe the family history of the anti/non Neo-Confucian scholar-bureaucrat (urban sajok) class which has been hardly referred to before, and insist on the importance of rethinking the yangban concept and even the academic and social recognition of Korean tradition. It is concluded that to work as bureaucrats in higher ranking positions was one of the most important requirements for the urban sajok class to maintain their privileges. Therefore although academically and socially we made light of occupation, it is suggested that the core of sajok identity might consist of occupational status as much as the descent status which we usually make so much of. Moreover the process through which the contemporary urban sajok class came to be unemployed, becoming conscious of the invented requirements of the yangban class, demonstrates an important problem of reflexive knowledge. Recently the academic and social knowledge of the sajok reflects the sajok identity of the people concerned, and changes their life courses., Article}, pages = {229--270}, title = {血と職と : 韓国・朝鮮の士族アイデンティティーとその近代的変容について}, volume = {34}, year = {2009}, yomi = {オオタ, シンペイ} }