@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003910, author = {楊, 常宝 and Yang, Changbao}, issue = {4}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論では,中国の高等教育産業化の導入とその背景を論じたうえ,教育産業 化以降の高等教育機関の変化について学費の急騰と農家出身大学生の学費・寮 費・生活費や就職にかかわる各種費用とを関連付けて具体的に考察し,さらに, それが構造的に作り上げられた差別的体制という視点から明らかにする。  中国では,農村部における教育環境が極めて不利な状況に置かれている。農 民の子供が高校以降の学校へ進学するには都市に出る必要があり,それが貧困 な農家にとって経済的困難を一層深めている。当然農民の子供にはさらに上の 高等教育を受ける機会が限られてくる。また,大学入試体制における省別募集 定員枠制度は,戸籍制度に基づく農民搾取の手段となり,農家の子供の進学に 極めて不利になっている。さらに,大学卒業者(以下,大卒者)就職の面にお いても多額の就職経費が農家にのしかかって,社会的不満を招く要因となって いる。  教育をもって子供の運命を変えたいと考える農家の親にとって,大学卒業時 の就職難と教育過程における「消費」との関係において,はたして子供の教育 は「受益」になりうるのか,教育体制の見直しが急がれる。, After discussing the introduction of higher education and its background in China, this paper examines the current situation linking changes in higher education and soaring school expenses after the introduction of a policy promoting higher education, with costs to be borne by college students from farming families, including expenses for school, board, living, and job hunting. This paper attempts to clarify how a so-called discriminatory system has created such a structure as China now faces. In China, the rural educational environment suffers great disadvantages. Farming family children going to college must leave for the city, further fi nancially burdening their parents, who are poor farmers. Only a few such children can go to college. Enrollment quotas for individual provinces in college entrance examinations based on an exploitative family registry system put farmers’ children at an extreme disadvantage. The high employment seeking expenses needed by college graduates trying to fi nd jobs put further pressure on farmers, creating social unrest. For parents hoping to improve their children’s futures through education, their huge investment may turn out to be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on success or failure in the tough job market facing college graduates and the employment seeking expenses needed during college education. There is an urgent need to review the system., Article}, pages = {723--764}, title = {高等教育産業化以降の中国における農家収入と大学生の教育費負担問題}, volume = {34}, year = {2010} }