@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003854, author = {椿原, 敦子 and Tsubakihara, Atsuko}, issue = {3}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Mar}, note = {In March 2010, a Westwood Boulevard street corner on the west side of LA City was named “Persian Square” by the city council. This was about three decades after the mass migration of Iranians into Los Angeles began. In this essay, I will examine how this symbolic place was created after the long absence of an explicitly Iranian locale in the city. This study will also reveal that how these migrants have constructed their subjectivity depending on their location. I focus on several places to examine the social invisibility of Iranians in Los Angeles. Factors such as the multi-nucleation of residences and businesses; internal diversity in terms of political, class and ethno-religious affiliation; and a white-oriented mode of life have made Iranians socially invisible. There has been the possibility of a symbolic place for Iranians to emerge in Westwood, but it was not inevitable for this to be made explicit. Westwood has been a special place for many Iranians in LA; however, because of the nature of Westwood, it has long remained unnamed. Establishing a symbolic place for Iranians became possible only recently, after they were able to share lived experience in the space., 2010年3月,カリフォルニア郡ロサンゼルス市西部のウエストウッド通りの 一角が市によって“Persian Square”と命名された。1979年のイラン革命を主要 な契機として,ロサンゼルスにはイラン国外最大の人口が集中しているが,ペ ルシア(イラン)の名を冠した街区ができたのは初めてのことである。本論文 では同地区がイランからの移住者にとって象徴的な場となったプロセスを明ら かにする。  最初に,同地区が多くのイラン出身者にとって特別な意味を持つにも関わら ず,いかなる呼び名もつけられることなく留まっていたことを考察した。その 結果,自分たちを集団として表象することについて,統一見解の形成が困難な こと,地理的特性から,同地区には特定の集団を表象する場所を作るのが困難 だったことを明らかにした。次に,場所への愛着は同地区でのイラン暦新年の 祝祭により明示的になり,このことが集団の社会的認知を求める動きを加速さ せ,公的な命名に至ったことを指摘した。}, pages = {331--357}, title = {Putting “Tehrangeles” on the Map : A Consideration of Space and Place for Migrants}, volume = {37}, year = {2013}, yomi = {ツバキハラ, アツコ} }