@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003840, author = {藤井, 紘司 and Fujii, Koji}, issue = {2}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Feb}, note = {本稿は,琉球弧の最南端に位置する八重山諸島を舞台に,異なる生態系を構 成する「高い島」と「低い島」とを丸木舟で往来し,生活を組み立ててきた農 耕民による海上の往来を取り扱う。本稿は,この“遠距離通耕”という往来実 践を,資源をめぐる相互交渉の空間的広がりとその動態に注目する生態史の枠 組みの中で把握する。具体的には,土地台帳とそれに付随する地籍図を研究素 材とし,「低い島」の住民が「高い島」において何を所有していたのかを分析 し,「低い島」の頭職に就いていた宮良當整(1863 ~ 1945)の記した日誌や備 忘録,南島踏査を行った笹森儀助(1845 ~ 1915)の『南島探驗』(1894 年)な どの民族誌的データを用いてモデリングする。  これらの史料の記述・分析を通して,「低い島」の住民は,自然環境及び利 用できる生態資源の偏在に対応するために,「高い島」において水稲耕作地だ けではなく各種地目を共同で所有し利用してきたことを示し,通耕実践が環境 収容力の拡張を目的とする水平統御の資源利用戦略であることをあきらかにす る。, Through a case study of the Yaeyama Archipelago located in the southernmost part of the Ryukyu Arc, this paper discusses ocean traffic aboard dugout canoes of the agricultural people who made a living by coming and going between “highland” and “lowland,” each with its own indigenous ecology. The aim is to analyze the practice of “commuting to distant farms” in an ecological framework that focuses on spatial expansion and the dynamism of negotiations over resources. Specifically, I analyze which lowland residents owned land in the highlands by using cadasters and accompanying cadastral maps as research materials, and give shape to the analysis by using the diary and memorandum left by Tosei Miyara (1863–1945)—who was the governor of the lowlands—as well as by using ethnographic data, for example from the “Exploration of the Southern Islands” written in 1894 by Gisuke Sasamori (1845–1915)—who traveled throughout those islands. By studying the descriptions and analyzing the above historical materials, I show that residents of the lowlands jointly owned and utilized land in the highlands not only for rice-paddy cultivation but also for a wide variety of other land uses in order to cope with the uneven distribution of natural environments and available ecological resources. Furthermore, I clarify that commuting to farms was a horizontal control of resource management strategy aimed at expanding environmental capacity.}, pages = {251--291}, title = {琉球弧・八重山諸島における通耕実践と生態資源利用 : 19 世紀末期から20 世紀初頭における「高い島」と「低い島」との往来をめぐる事例}, volume = {38}, year = {2014}, yomi = {フジイ, コウジ} }