@article{oai:minpaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003822, author = {藏本, 龍介 and Kuramoto, Ryosuke}, issue = {1}, journal = {国立民族学博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology}, month = {Jul}, note = {スリランカや東南アジア大陸部に広がる上座仏教徒社会では,「近代化」と 総称される社会変動が,都市部を中心に出家者の経済基盤を大きく揺るがして いる。それでは出家者たちは,都市部においてどのように生活を成り立たせて いるのか。本稿の目的はその実態を,ミャンマー最大都市ヤンゴンを事例とし て明らかにすることにある。そして①布施を呼び寄せる出家者の特徴,②都市 僧院の布施調達活動の実態,③都市部における在家仏教徒組織の役割を分析す ることによって,「都市の生き方」を浮かび上がらせる。現在,上座仏教徒社 会では,急速な都市化が進展しつつある。したがってミャンマーを事例として, 出家者は都市をいかに生きうるかという問題を解明することは,現代社会にお ける出家者の行方のみならず,先行研究によって出家者がその存立を支えてい ると分析されてきた上座仏教徒社会そのものの行方を占う上でも,重要なケー ススタディーとなりうるだろう。, In the Theravāda Buddhist societies of Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, social changes which are collectively known as “Modernization” are shaking the economic basis for monks, especially in cities. How do monks make a living in the modern city? The purpose of this paper is to clarify the current situation of monks’ urban lives by investigating the example of the biggest city in Myanmar, Yangon. I confine my attention to the unit of monastery, because it is there that monks live together with others, rather than on their own. The construction of this paper is as follows. Firstly, I confirm the current situation of monasteries in Yangon. I indicate that many have accu- mulated there due to its expansion and economic development, although they are unevenly distributed because of the difficulty in acquiring land. Secondly, I analyze the economic basis of urban monasteries from three points of view; [1] the features of monks which attract urban people, [2] the fundraising activities of monasteries, and [3] the role of Buddhist lay organizations. This may be an important case study for the prediction not only of the future of monks but also of the Theravāda Buddhist societies, the existence of which has been analyzed by previous studies to be supported by monks.}, pages = {1--44}, title = {都市を生きる出家者たち : ミャンマー・ヤンゴンを事例として}, volume = {39}, year = {2014}, yomi = {クラモト, リョウスケ} }